
It's an i7 6-core, 32GB RAM, 512GB storage, a bunch of TBs of spinning discs hanging off a USB hub, but my primary high speed external is a Sabrent Rocket NVMe drive connected via TB3, it flies, almost as fast as the internal storage, that's where I keep most of my personal docs and libraries, so if the machine takes a dump, I don't have to worry about what was on internal storage (and if the external fries, I just buy a new one and re-sync with my cloud backup service).


This machine, mostly running this workspace, stays up 24/7, in fact, my last uptime before a semi-recent shutdown was 75 days. Right now, I'm running in MacOS: XCode, ST 2, Chrome (~24-25 tabs), Outlook, Postman, Sketch, Messages, a number of misc smaller utilities, and a VM that's running Visual Studio, SQL Server, and IIS (as you may know, some of those have a substantial footprint) and I can pretty much open other apps OTF as needed, without any slowdown The previous 15" MBP i7/16/512/370X machine is now being used by my lovely wife I found I just don't need a notebook, when I'm traveling, I just need a lightweight communication device, with a few remote management tools, no real dev needs (aka, an iPad). I'm using an '18 Mini for personal, work, running VMs, Docker containers, thing barely breaks a sweat.


Nice, they're great machines - I am not a fan of AIOs, I like sourcing my own displays.
